UNGA 79th Session: Accelerating Progress Towards SDGs through ‘Water’

The 79th United Nations General Assembly marks a pivotal moment in the quest to achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Summit of the Future highlights the urgent need for international cooperation to tackle pressing issues like climate change, poverty, inequality, conflicts, and global health crises. The summit aims to mobilize political leadership, foster multisectoral collaboration, and ensure accountability for a sustainable future.

Attaining the desired outcomes from two of the high-level meetings at the summit, bothers heavily on taking actionable commitments to ensure water security, globally.

  • Sea Level Rise (September 25, 2024):

At this high-level plenary meeting on sea level rise, global leaders will convene to address the escalating threat of rising sea levels, promoting collaboration and international cooperation for a resilient future.

This session buttresses the climate change – water nexus and offers a leapfrog opportunity to rightfully place ‘water’ at the heart of climate actions, globally.

  • Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) (September 26, 2024):

At this high-level meeting on Antimicrobial resistance, countries and stakeholders will renew efforts to combat AMR, strengthening health systems, promoting responsible antimicrobial use, and advancing new treatments.

This session buttresses the water-health nexus. It offers a veritable platform to prioritize and highlight the critical role of water in combating antimicrobial resistance.

For more information on the 79th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA 79) and these critical meetings, see link.

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Local Government Chairmen being sworn in.

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NEWARI – Charges Newly Elected Local Government Chairs to Prioritize Access to Clean Water and Sanitation Enugu, Nigeria – The Network of Water Rights Initiative

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About Us

Network of Water Rights Initiative (NEWARI), commonly known as WASH Rights Network, is a registered Nigerian Network of Non-Governmental Organizations (with registration number CAC/RN: 190076) that is focused on enhancing access to safe, clean water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) services in Nigeria through a human rights and responsibility-based approach. Integral to the core objectives of the Network is the alleviation of water poverty by promoting collaboration, effective partnerships and synergy amongst WASH-focused organizations in Nigeria. NEWARI is committed to contributing towards the achievement of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG #6) to make clean water and sanitation accessible to all.

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