‘United Water’: United Nation’s First-ever System-wide Strategy on Water and Sanitation

With just six years remaining until 2030, the world is significantly off-track to achieving water-related Sustainable Development Goals and targets. At the current rate of progress, the goals and targets are elusive, except urgent, pragmatic, and purposeful actions are taken to change course and accelerate progress on SDG6.

In response to this ambition, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution in September 2023 that requested the UN Secretary-General to present the first-ever UN System-wide Strategy for water and sanitation, to the member states. The UN Secretary-General through UN-Water, has now delivered on this resolution.

This UN System-wide Strategy will be delivered through five entry points for collaboration on water and sanitation:

♦ Lead and inspire collective action on water and sanitation;
♦ Engage better for countries by leveraging whole of-United Nations system support and by mobilizing stakeholders and partnerships for water and sanitation;
♦ Align United Nations system support for the integration of water and sanitation issues across sectors and mainstreaming into intergovernmental processes;
♦ Accelerate progress and transformational change by unifying United Nations system support through the five SDG 6 global accelerators: financing, data and information, capacity development, innovation and governance;
♦ Account for progress through joint review and learning.

The Strategy can be accessed here

UN entities, through the System-wide Strategy, have committed to combining their efforts and maximizing the collective strength of the UN system to support countries in achieving global water-related goals and targets, including Sustainable Development Goal 6 – to ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all by 2030.

Water is indeed central to all SDGs. Hence, it is not surprising to see Global Leaders rally around water and sanitation targets. Check out their affirmations below.

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Local Government Chairmen being sworn in.

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NEWARI – Charges Newly Elected Local Government Chairs to Prioritize Access to Clean Water and Sanitation Enugu, Nigeria – The Network of Water Rights Initiative

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About Us

Network of Water Rights Initiative (NEWARI), commonly known as WASH Rights Network, is a registered Nigerian Network of Non-Governmental Organizations (with registration number CAC/RN: 190076) that is focused on enhancing access to safe, clean water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) services in Nigeria through a human rights and responsibility-based approach. Integral to the core objectives of the Network is the alleviation of water poverty by promoting collaboration, effective partnerships and synergy amongst WASH-focused organizations in Nigeria. NEWARI is committed to contributing towards the achievement of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG #6) to make clean water and sanitation accessible to all.

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